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您的位置: 游戏鸟部落战争精品专区新闻资讯 → 部落战争官方公布圣诞树细节 获得数量相同

部落战争官方公布圣诞树细节 获得数量相同[图]

2014-12-18 11:15:41小编:mj我要评论


部落战争官方公布圣诞树细节 获得数量相同[图]图片1


OFFICIAL STATEMENT: Everyone will get the same amount of Christmas trees. Some will get them early, some will get them later, but in the end, everyone will have the same amount.

So, what is there to know about the Christmas tree?

1) They are random, you can not force one into your base.

2) There is no limit to the amount of Christmas trees you can get.

3) Each present is worth 5,000 elixir.

4) The maximum amount of presents you can get per tree is 5.

(e.g. If you had 5 trees, the maximum amount of presents would be 25)

5) You can not be viewing your village to receive a Christmas tree. (You must be either attacking, scouting or offline.)

6) Christmas trees can spawn right next to buildings, and require a 2x2 space.

7) If a Christmas tree spawns on your base and conflicts with one of your saved base layouts, like any obstacle, you will have to move the affected building(s)

8) This is what the Christmas tree looks like.

9) There has been a lot of speculation about people only getting one present. However, while raiding I found one with two. I ended the battle before I saw it, but you can still see it on the attack report.

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